Friday, February 15, 2008

Cancer Shavathon

The day is finally upon us. Tomorrow will be the deciding factor to if I do or if I don't. Right now with the heat today and trying to sort out one section of the garden, I most certainly wouldn't hesitate to shave it all off.

I have mentioned this idea to quite a few people I know. The only woman who hasn't blinked an eye or gasped at the thought of me shaving it all off has been close friend Karen in the USA, Texas. I love her attitude of 'it will grow back'.

Last year I was very keen and quite ready to do it but an interview at the USA Embassy and applying for my visa made me think twice about it. As visas are so hard to get I did not want to come across as radical or crazy and we all know that I'm crazy. LOL

As for my hubby. I don't think he minds either way. He asks me everyday is it going or staying. I tell him that I'm still deciding. Maybe I should start a poll in my favourite forum and get other peoples thoughts on it.

off to think and decide.......................................

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