Friday, August 29, 2008

Challenge: Your idea of a 'Domestic Goddess'

Make your version, in GLASS OR ON PAPER of a Domestic Goddess

This is for all you fellow lampworkers / Artists out there. And you can thank Angelina for getting me thinking. It's a rare thing that 'thinking'. LOL

I know one of things I wanted to learn when I started melting glass was how to make a Goddess. Well I think most of us make them in some form or manner. So here is my challenge for the next say week. Yes, you only have a week to get those pics in. I'll make a collage and we can post it on our blogs. How cool would that be!! And pleeeeeeese don't make me be the only one. LOL

Get melting and painting girls and guys!!

Oh, and just in case Maggie has decided she much prefers playing with clay - then we can include clay too. Okay...okay.......LOL


angelinabeadalina said...

I'm in-- at least, I am if what's in the kiln survives :) It's funky and strange, but then that's not too unexpected from me, huh? Anyway, Mich, I think this sounds like lots of fun for all!

KareTX said...

OK!! is there an off mandrel goddess tut? I will sure try but my life is crazy right now.

rosebud101 said...

I won't be home to torch this week or I'd take you up on this!
I'll be looking for the results.

Capt Elaine Magliacane said...

My paper Goddess is now on my website... hope you like her...

marcy said...

Oh what fun.
If I have time, I'll join in too, if you don't mind?
